Tuesday, May 8, 2018

A Simple Waste Product Can Predict Your Health and Explain Why You Can’t Gain Muscle

Creatinine is a waste product created from the normal breakdown of muscle tissue, and the kidneys are responsible for filtering it from the blood into the urine. In fact, doctors test the kidney function by measuring the blood creatinine level. The amount of blood the kidneys can make creatinine-free in one minute is called the creatinine clearance – around 125 milliliters per minute in a healthy young adult. The creatinine clearance is further used to estimate the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), or the rate of blood flow through the kidneys, which can vary depending on age, sex and size. That […]

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A Simple Waste Product Can Predict Your Health and Explain Why You Can’t Gain Muscle posted first on https://kaylaitsinesbikinibodyguidepage.blogspot.com

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